Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sept 13th

I had my host father shave my head this past Sunday. With the goatee I grew, I’m vaguely reminiscent of Edward Norton in American History X, where he plays a Neo-Nazi. I decided to shave my goatee. I cooked for my family today, spaghetti, and served them. It was a little strange when I went to hand my sister some food and she tried to get up so I could sit down. She’s not use to being served especially by a male. I asked her to sit and eat while I ate my food and cleaned up after everyone. They all seemed pleased with the meal but I’m never entirely sure. I fed some of my sister’s leftovers to Lion. I’m working on my relationship with the dog so I don’t get barked at in the morning. It seems to be working. I have my language proficiency test coming up, the midterm one is not very important, only the ending evaluation. I’m not worried about it though. Afrikaans is pretty easy to understand and speak.


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